Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I went painting at Round Pond today and had my view of the Lobster boat I was painting blocked by this guy trying to back a construction trailer on to a flatbed transport boat. In reverse, down two narrow wood planks that were very flexible, the trailer almost went in the water at least 3 times! So I watched the possible train wreck and took a break, when looking around I noticed that the parking lot trucks paralleled the work boats in the bay. After 15 minutes the truck and trailer in my way moved and I decided that like the red lobster boat, the Red Truck deserved a portrait. ..........Quote:" I can't wait to learn more, so I can understand what I don't even know yet" Colin Page.


morkeski said...

Dan, I love what you are doing with this blog. I check it every day. And I love what your are painting.

Frank Gardner said...

Nice composition. It gets distracting when you want to paint and someone pulls in like that. Not just to block your view, but do something that keeps your attention like almost dump their stuff in the water.

Daniel Corey said...

Thank you for the kind words Linda, I am trying to keep it light and honest. Compliments like yours make me want to work even harder, thank you. Dan

Daniel Corey said...

Hi Frank, Thanks for stopping by and the compliment. The boards this guy was backing up on were bending down over a foot down, I thought for sure there was gonna be some swimming .