Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Belted 8x10" 
This painting from a local Belted Galloway Cow farm was a fun attempt at balancing the warm and cool colors in an interesting ratio while also keeping the pattern of light and dark interesting. The cows will watch you paint and look directly at your work when you turn it around for them to see. yes I've done that a few times. :) 

Happy New Year everyone!! thank you for being part of my past year. 

LINK to Auction

"The more I think about it, the more i realize there is nothing more artistic than to love others" Vincent Van Gogh

Tuesday, December 30, 2014


Wonderland 5x7"
The fun in this piece was attempting the stacking of all the planes of depth on the front right to the back left and then letting you wander in the middle to left foreground.. Not relying on just a circular composition and letting depth in is always a challenge. Sometimes you feel like you can control composition, sometimes..

LINK to Auction

Two Quote Tuesday!

Quote: "We do not remember days, we remember moments" Cesare Pavese

Quote: You've got to go out on a limb sometimes because that's where the fruit is" Will Rogers

Monday, December 29, 2014

Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time 5x7" 

The Warm grey green surrounded by blues and violets was just too much to resist. Had to be painted. This was an old home of mine.

Link  to Auction

quote: " Where thou art, that is home" Emily Dickinson

Friday, December 19, 2014

Off Shore

Off Shore 

When I set up larger works I will sometimes run thru possible compositions and color harmonies. This is one of those color test pieces that I ended up really enjoying how it held atmosphere with its slightly compressed value range and muted but fun color harmony. 

LINK to Auction

Quote: "When you catch a glimpse of your potential , thats when passion is born." 
Zig Ziglar  

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Seasonal Smoke

Seasonal Smoke 12x12"
​This a favorite local farm house of mine that required major tree removal and cropping to come up with this simple, quiet composition. The color harmony on the other hand was provided by nature.

 LINK to auction

Quote: "Look on the bright side" unknown

Tuesday, December 16, 2014


"Blue" 12x12"

Shapes and colors, I don't need much of an excuse to try find them. The harmony of this fun colored truck and those surrounding it called to me as soon as I saw it.

LINK to auction

Quote: "There is no Blue without Yellow and Orange." Vincent Van Gogh

Monday, December 15, 2014

Simple Snow

Simple Snow
​  A simple statement of shapes and colors was my goal in this piece. I find myself increasingly attracted to the simple, especially in poetry. This has lead me to a conclusion that the less words you say, the more potential power each word carries. Yes? 

Quote: Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch or genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction. " E.F. Schumacher

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Shapes and Colors

Nanners and Clemmys 12x12"
​Shapes and colors, shapes and colors... Shapes and colors is all I was trying to keep in mind while painting this. Well that and don't eat the props.. Yet. 

LINK to Auction

Quote: "Fruits ... like having their portrait painted. They seem to sit there and ask your forgiveness for fading. Their thought is given off with their perfumes. They come with all their scents, they speak of the fields they have left, the rain which has nourished them, the daybreaks they have seen." Paul Cezanne

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Someflower Sun Portrait

Someflower 8x8"
 If there was to be just one subject to paint for the rest of my days It would be the human form BUT if two were allowed the second would be sunflowers. Their colors, size and  varying posture would keep me busy and happy for a while.

LINK to auction

Quote" When I walk with you I feel as if i had a flower in my buttonhole" William Thackeray
Someflower detail

Monday, December 8, 2014


Nanners 12x12"
This painting of now ripe bananas is really a coming of age story. Five young, green on the edge bananas embark on a journey from the same grocery store.. Trouble ensues. 

Seriously though I've always found the way a banana turns color and changes every time you pass by them interesting. If you're lucky you can get some brown spots when you still have that beautiful "not ripe yet" green near the stem. An Analogous color harmony at its best. 

LINK to Auction

Friday, December 5, 2014


"Echos" 12x12"
This painting "Echos" is of the moonlit view from my studio. On the quietest of nights you can hear the clang of empty sailboat masts and marker buoys.

Link to Auction 

Quote: "The Night walked down the sky with the moon in her hand"
  Frederick L. Knowles

"I often think that the night is more alive and more richly colored than the day."
  Vincent Van Gogh

Thursday, December 4, 2014

A Small Piece of Big Sky

Sky Study" 5x7" 
This little piece of Sky study is a special buy for someone that wants to own a piece of my work but does not have the means for a a larger piece or just enjoys small study type works. I know that if a few painters would offer tiny works for tiny prices I would have a more than a couple on my walls or desk top.

LINK purchase info

In the Sun

This 5X7" flower scape is an abstracted cropping of Sunflowers that represents the variety of intense, lush greens and warm yellows i was surrounded by out in the landscape. A series i plan to continue soon.  Auction Link

Quote: " Let me embrace thee sour adversity, for wise men say it is the wisest course." William Shakespeare

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Those Days

Those Days 12x12"
 Every once in a while you get the feeling that nature is posing for you.. You must forget everything and just paint fast. This is from one of those days.

Link  to auction info

Quote: "The Earth has music for those who listen"
George Santayana

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Falling, For you.

Falling 12x12"

The day was warmer than Snow would have liked yet somehow it survived. Crunching under my boot, sending vibrations up my leg as I shifted to get better views of my evolving painting.
 Being attentive, in the moment while painting outdoors is so important when using the work created and your experience to create something better (hopefully) than both.  CLICK HERE for auction

Quote: “The snow began to fall again, drifting against the windows, politely begging entrance and then falling with
disappointment to the ground” Jamie McGuire (Beautiful Disaster)

Monday, December 1, 2014

All the Ms

All the Ms" 12x12"
All I want to say about this piece is, yes I ate them as soon as I was sure each M was done sitting for their painting.. Convenient snacking for sure. Click Here for Auction. This is my second piece in trying out the Daily Paintworks site and It was just picked as a featured piece or something like that.?. :)

Quote: “Candy is natures way of making up for Mondays." ~Unknown Author” 

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Before the Rise

Before the Rise 12"x12"

Today is the day.. Ive decided that for at least the winter months (summer is SO busy) I will attempt to consistently post work here and connect collectors to my work thru the popular online Art auction site Daily Paintworks. You can click the on the link in the upper right hand corner of the blog to preview the work or follow the auction. Fair warning, this link is invisible if looking at the mobile site.

Quote "Keep your face always toward the sunshine - and shadows will fall behind you." Walt Whitman

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Some Flowers are Sunflowers

"Some flowers Sunflowers" on location Thomaston ME 2014

It is Freezing in my studio this morning! I could almost hear the computer creak as I hit enter on my website bookmark. I've turned the heat up to take the ice off the windows and get some clean light in here for painting. I'm not sure if the build up of ice on the windows is cause I'm across from the ocean or what.?. Anyone know? So as i take the skins off yesterdays paint and look for some photo references and inspiration I came across this image. I posted it on my Instagram earlier this year and being a great day and the type of image that i love seeing other painters post, i thought i'd share it here with you.

quote:  "I don't need a holiday or a feast to feel grateful for my children, the sun, the moon, the roof over my head, music, and laughter, but I like to take this time to take the path of thanks less traveled."
Paula Poundstone      

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Hey there Dahlila

Dahlila 20x24" 

As I sit at this blog and type I am always considering what, if any of  my personal life and emotions to share. Do I go the safe route and just talk of the painting and maybe pass on learned insights from the process of creating it? Do I speak of the rough seas of life and how they have developed calluses that i can only hope will soften over time??
 Well, I guess I'll continue to mull that over and just share a quote. Hope you enjoy the painting. These flowers are Dahlias painted from a local farm.

Quote: "The Earth laughs in flowers" Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Lobster Lunch

Waiting on Red 12x16" 
My never ending aspirations of simplification were amplified by the temptation of this crustacean.

Quote: "If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself." Einstein

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Five Seasons a Year and Show Announcement!

Five Seasons a Year 48x60"
Finally!! I can put out some high quality images of what I've been working on.  This piece "Five Seasons a Year" 48x60" is the center piece of my half of the two person show "New Works" with Abbie Williams  , opening this Saturday (June 28) at Maine Art Gallery in Kennebunk. I enjoy Abbie's love for color and subject, I think our work will hang great together and can't wait to see it up and lit nicely like this gallery does.  Thank you Maine Art and Abbie! See you Saturday.

Link to my new work

Well its a goal right.?.
"And after drawing comes composition. A well-composed painting is half done." Pierre Bonnard

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Moxie, You've Got It

Moxie #1 "Glossy"
  I have been occasionally adding a small piece or two onto my ETSY store. These recently added pieces have been smallish works, oil on Arches Oil paper. One sold before this post was even up.. Thank you!

I have been having fun getting the warm and cool variations of the intense colors of the can to work. Hope you enjoy!
Moxie #2 "You've got it" SOLD

Monday, June 16, 2014

Scooter Dogs and the Return of Color

Scooter Dogs 26x36" available at Camden Falls Gallery

Scooter Dogs Detail
One of my favorite parts of the summer season is the return of businesses like Scooter Dogs and getting to paint all that fun color. I was very fired up to paint the battle of "loud vs quiet color harmony" that is represented by the foreground and background in this piece.

If you're in Rockland and want a fun way to tour the local coast see Marty at Scooter Dogs. Tell him i sent you and he will most likely not give you a discount but tell you of all food I buy from the local Vietnamese food truck, "Pho Sizzle".

"All means (in painting) are sacred when they are dictated by inner necessity. All means are not reprehensible when they do not spring from the fountain of inner necessity..." W Kandinsky

Monday, April 28, 2014

Snow More, Snow. No

I was recently (finally) organizing some photos and stumbled upon these images and thought it was rare for me to have a clear detail shot showing the abstract patterns in my brushwork. The abstract that goes into making realism.  (yes, i use that term "realism" loosely)

If that is an effect you desire in your work try stepping back. Try only making strokes that help from that distance don't get bogged down with one foot away details.. Remember, poems, not lectures. Happy Painting
Sun Fence 18x24"

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Opening Day at Dorman's !!!

Dormans, Happy Hour" 10x14" available
Today is the day! Finally spring can really start as Dorman's Dairy Farm opens its sales window for the season. You can bet I will be in line for my favorite sundae, Vanilla ice cream, banana, hot peanut butter, marshmallow and extra cherries.. mmmhm. I stumbled across this sundae last year as they forgot to add hot fudge by accident (they were extremely busy and don't normally mess up) So I call it a "Fluff-a-nator" (don't ask, long story) Just try it!
 Ive been going swimming a lot lately so I will definitely eat this with ZERO guilt.. Plus its real ice cream, nuff said..

This piece was painted last year at night (obviously) when the small dairy stand seems to really get busy.. Those magic summer hours between dinner and bedtime.. I can't wait, already so many great memories associated with this place.

here is a link to their Facebook Page.  Lick em!  I mean. Like em..

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Winters Warmth

Winter's Warmth

This is the first piece I'm releasing into the wild for 2014.. They grow up so fast..

 Today's quote is a poem by one of my absolute favorites .. A painter with words, Walt Whitman.

 Soon Shall the Winter's Foil Be Here:

Soon shall the winter's foil be here;
Soon shall these icy ligatures unbind and melt -- A little while,
And air, soil, wave, suffused shall be in softness, bloom and
 growth-- a thousand forms shall rise.

From these dead clods and chills as from low burial graves.
Thine eyes, ears-- all thy best attributes-- all that takes cognizance
of natural beauty,
Shall wake and fill. Thou shalt perceive the simple shows, the
 delicate miracles of earth,
Dandelions, clover, the emerald grass, the early scents and flowers,

The arbutus under foot, the willow's yellow--green, the blossoming
plum and cherry;
With these the robin, lark and thrush, singing their songs--the
fitting bluebird;

For such the scenes the annual play brings on.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Thoughts and Mini Ideas

Bulb 5x5"
 Sometimes the color harmony within an object  is like a perfect conversation. Sometimes the conversation between an object and its surrounding area (or light) elevates to a beautiful story.

This piece "Bulb" 5x5" is available HERE

Quote: "Poetry is the universal language which the heart holds with nature and itself."
   William Hazlitt

Monday, February 24, 2014

Ice Float Lobster Boat

Ice Float 12x12 SOLD
So this winter has turned out to be a very busy one project wise. (more on the projects soon) Which has kept me from blog updating regularly but do not fear.. I am here and with a new post and new small work for your consideration! This piece "Ice Float Lobster Boat" (fun to say) 12x12" is from a local harbor here near my home. Maybe you've heard of it.?. "Rockport Harbor". The Water reflecting the warm sky that lost its sun and the semi distant snow covered hills made this a "must try" subject..

  Like the other minis I'm posting on my Etsy HERE it is specially priced. This piece was fun to paint, trying to use intense colors while keeping it a peaceful painting was a challenge. I like to look for subtle excitement or loud peace..

Quote: "Because I write very simply, but inside the simplicity, there's a lot of subtlety. Thats what Im proud of." Ben Folds

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Harbor Mini

Harbor 5x5"
New Mini available on my ETSY .
this mini 5x5" is unframed on gessoboard.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Mini Series Available

reflection rising 5x5" mini
 Sometimes i see other artists doing months with a painting a day or even harder a year.. That's just bananas.. SO I am starting early for February (shortest month) and not doing one a day.. BUT I will post ones that I like and offer them for sale on my Etsy Store when they come. I'm a poet not stenographer.. :)
  You can click on the link at the right side of the blog or click HERE. for more info. Thanks for swinging by

Saturday, January 18, 2014

New Year, New Ways.. Well, Kinda Newish..

 So with my small hiatus from the blog world I am ready for a new year of rambling.  For your slight reading pleasure, in this post I would like to give you a link to my Instagram account Click Here ,
 I usually post unusual, semi personal and sometimes very personal photos. In my continuing effort to be an open book of a person, I invite you.. A few examples of photos I share