Great news, I have known for a bit but recently confirmed and received a bit more info on my first show. This will be at Tidemark Gallery ( www.tidemarkgallery.com ) and opening night will be on April 29th and run thru May 23rd. A beautiful space with ample lighting and good wall space. I am aiming for at least 30 pieces (and now that it is written it shall be?) ranging from 5"x5" to 30"x40" ..?. (will have to see about how the big ones go, painting outside??) If anyone would like to be on the mailing list for this please leave it in comments section and I will erase after I write it down or e-mail me at painter03@yahoo.com . I am very excited about this and will post pics from the show in the future and hopefully all the paintings from it in one big preview post. Quote:" Painting from nature is not copying the object, it is realizing one's sensations." Paul Cezanne.