Friday, July 3, 2009

Finnegan's Easel

The name of this sketch has a funny story tied to it, you see the day before i painted this I was painting in this area with a friend of mine (no names) and while we were painting maybe 50-60 ft apart I saw an elder man and his dog come up and start talking to my painting friend and he later came up to see me and talk for a bit. He was a very nice guy and his dog's name was Finnegan, he was one of those smaller dogs whose fur or hair looks messy (and like he was maybe just rescued from some natural disaster) Well it turns out what I thought was Finnegan watering a bush near my friend while they talked turns out he blessed the easel (Open box M) of my friend....I think he liked it so much, he claimed it. So if any of you come to Wiscasset to out for Finnegan.
Quote:If you clean it up, get analytical, all the subtle joy and emotion you felt in the first place goes flying out the window. (Andrew Wyeth)


Bobbi Heath said...

What a great story and a nice painting (do you remember Connie Hayes' hydrant painting?)! I hope my Open Box M easel doesn't turn into a fire hydrant too. Thanks for the warning, I'll look out for Finnegan.

Frank Gardner said...

Ha ha, I know some dogs that do that.

Daniel Corey said...

Hi Bobbi, thank you, no I have never seen Connie Hayes' hydrant painting...but Im sure its great! yes always keep an eye open for Finnegan....

Hey Frank, hahaha you have some dogs like that in your nieghborhood?