Sunday, June 28, 2009

Rock Point Gallery Announcement

This week I start my working relationship with Rock Point Gallery located in Northeast Harbor on Mount Desert Island (in Maine if you are from afar). I am very proud to be part of this gallery, they only represent a small hand full of great artists and have chosen me to be among them. Couple names off the top of my head are Melissa Brown and Stapleton Kearns.
As for the photo,..?. I can't seem to get 24"x36"pieces to not look warped.?? So I will try to replace this photo soon but you get the idea for now. If your interested in this piece or just want to see it in person please contact Fred at Rock point Gallery (207) 276-5921 . The main boat here is my absolute favorite lobster boat in Maine, her name is "The Chains". the striking dark (maybe black) bottom and Pthalo like mint green up top make this the boat a beauty.
Quote "I dream a lot. I do more painting when I'm not painting. It's in the subconscious." (Andrew Wyeth)

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Camden Falls Gallery Announcement

Great news! Since my last post I have joined The Camden Falls Gallery in Camden ME I just delivered work this past Tuesday and would like to thank the staff there for making me feel very welcome into their family of artists(Thank you).
I will be joining two other galleries as the season gets rolling but I will announce those as they happen.
One other thing I would like to point out is a link that I have recently added to the side of this blog, that link is labeled "Amateur Lense". This link is my wife Raquele's new blog, its only one post deep but I think you will like it. check it!
This painting is of a couple of a small chunk of our yard, it looks like two Dandelions but there is actually 3 see if you can spot it... :)
Quote: "Cover the canvas at the first go, and then work on till you see nothing more to add ... Don't proceed according to rules and principles, but paint what you observe and feel. Paint generously and unhesitatingly, for it is best not to lose the first impression." Camille Pissaro

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Tiny Avenger

Sorry for the long delay in posts, but I have been busy and trying to get the whole work in galleries thing happening. (I will post again on that subject in a couple days) As for today I am about to head out to paint. Take care and happy painting!
Quote: "If enough people do something wrong, does that make it right?" me...I think...