Saturday, October 19, 2013

Art in Maine

  This piece "Coastline" (all aboard) 24x30" was recently accepted into the "Art in ME" show at the BRAF in Boothbay Maine. This is the juried show that I was not accepted into two years ago, then won peoples choice and second place last year. Who knows what will happen this year.?. I'm just happy to be allowed to show. I havent shown this piece anywhere, saving it for this very show. Now its available. Thank you for stopping by.

"The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away." Pablo Picasso


Matthew Holt said...

Love this piece, Dan. It's so strong! Great design and temperature. Good luck dude.

Daniel Corey said...

Hey Matt, thank you! the only award its still up for is Peoples choice. Ive got my brushes crossed hoping..
Im glad you noticed the temperature, thats the hard part to get right. It was cold.