This week, Monday to be exact I had just sat down with some coffee to check my emails when I got the call... I was selected by M.A.R.C. Monhegan Artist Residency Corporation for the 5 week residency on Monhegan Island. The term of stay is from August 9th to September 12th and includes a some funds for some paint and supplies to boot. when I originally mentioned this on here I was under the impression that I could not talk about it but it was a misunderstanding on my part so I can blab away. I am really excited for this and am already making plans for supplies, transport of canvases and streamlining my setup. I don't know If I will be able to blog or be on hiatus but I will be writing a journal of the adventure and hopefully sharing some of it here. (I have included a couple photos, two are of the house I will stay in)Thank you to the board of M.A.R.C. and to those that helped me sometimes too much, also my beautiful wife Raquele who has decided to put up with life with a painter, believing even when I was losing faith.
The mailers went out this past week for the show at Tidemark, and they include the much improved photo of my painting "The Point of Pemaquid" 24x36. I thought I would include it here just to show you the actual painting compared to my struggling photo work version. The printing of the mailer looks great and am very happy with Tidemark's over effort to make this show a top shelf production. Thank you Tidemark!
ps: sorry photos are in a group, blogger wont let me move..?.
Quote:"The only merit I have is to have painted directly from nature with the aim of conveying my impressions in front of the most fugitive effects." MONET